"There are always two people in every picture the photographer and the viewer."

~ Ansel Adams

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Blog Archive

Joshua Tree- Under the Milky Way tonight

Looking up at the galactic core of the Milky Way you cannot help but feel insignificant.  There are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way alone. This coupled with the fact that our cosmic visual horizon is 42 billion light years really makes you contemplate infinity.  Just because the light hasn't reached us doesn't mean it ends.  Are there an infinite set of universes with an infinite number of galaxies, an infinite number of planets and an infinite number of people with the same name as you reading your favorite book?  Do you resent this concept?

I embrace it.  I don’t embrace it because it makes me feel comfortable, in fact it is the exact opposite, I embrace it because it makes me feel uneasy.  I resent my innate survival mechanism that constantly wants an answer to every question.  I resent the ability to contemplate such mind bending ideas.  I resent people who explain it away and congregate.  Look up at the stars in the night sky and just say it’s beautiful.  I hope my pictures do the beauty justice.

“I can't see the end of me
My whole expanse I cannot see
I formulate infinity
Stored deep inside me”




Jen said...

Those are flippin awesome pics, Poot. The first one's my favorite.

Allison said...

These are spectacular! I especially love the third and fourth night shots. I would say that your pictures have done the beauty justice and then some.

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